
Types of Iranian Visa Based on the purpose and motivation of traveling to Iran, 13 types of visas have been provided. When applying for a visa, people must specify the type on the relevant form. Types of visas can be divided as follows:[action full_width='yes' content_in_grid='yes' type='normal'...

Tour guides' duties in Iran Creating a friendly and intimate atmosphere among travelers; Not replacing other people (not in charge) for the responsibility; On time presence at determined locations (on domestic tours) and at border points (on incoming tours); holding visible and legible declarations, including name of the executor...

Global Code of Ethics for Tourism,article 7: 1. The prospect of direct and personal access to the discovery and enjoyment of the planet’s resources constitutes a right equally open to all the world’s inhabitants; the increasingly extensive participation in national and international tourism should be regarded as one...

Punishment of Assaulting Tourists Did you know that if women tourists are assaulted in Iran the offender will be sentenced to 2-6 months imprisonment and are given up to 74 lashes? So, if anybody abuse you verbally or in any other ways, you can make an emergency call...

safe to travel to Iran If you hesitate to travel to Iran because of security and safety issues you should know that according to Independent reports, Iran is as safe as the UK and SLOVENIA, DENMARK and SWITZERLAND.Iranians are so hospitable and are not dangerous.There is nothing...

first female admiral in the women's history As 8th of March is the international women's day, it may be interesting for you to know that among great women of the world Artemis is the first female admiral in the women's history of Iran.Xerxes chose her as an...

In Islamic law of Iran, sex is legitimate if two person are married, if not, it is recognized as adultery. It means that if two people have sex with each other without getting married they will be punished according to Islamic law.

Considering the fact that Iran is an Islamic country, drinking wine or getting drunk is legally prohibited and is actually against the law.Non-Muslims are anyway excluded from obeying this law.

According to Iran’s laws, every Iranian for driving has to have at least 18 years old, but must also take part in the written and practical tests and if they are accepted, a driving license will give to them.